Knowing what to with the most common dental emergencies is not always instinctual.   
The most common questions the Dentist may ask include:
How long it has hurt
Is the pain sharp or dull?
What is the trigger for the pain- hot, cold or pressure?
Have you been taking anything for the pain?
Clean the area around the sore tooth thoroughly with salted, warm water.  
Floss to remove any food that might be trapped between the teeth.  
See your Dentist as soon as possible.
Knocked Out Permanent Tooth:  
Find the tooth
Do not scrub the tooth or remove any attached tissue
Rinse it carefully in running water
Gently insert and hold the tooth in its socket.  If this isn't possible, place the tooth in a cup of milk.  In the absence of milk, I suggest you use cool water.
See a Dentist immediately.  Time is a critical factor in saving the tooth.
Loose Tooth:
If the tooth is pushed out of place (inward or outward) it should be repositioned to its normal alignment with very light finger pressure.
Do not force the tooth into the socket.
Hold the tooth in place with moist tissue.
See a Dentist as soon as possible.
Cut or Bitten Tongue, Lip or Cheek
Apply direct pressure to the wound with a clean cloth
Apply cold compresses to swollen areas
If the bleeding does not cease, go to the hospital emergency room or your usual emergency care facility
Keeping Your Teeth and Gums in Good Health (Daily Care)

We would always like to see you, but following some common-sensical daily steps will keep you from making the visits urgent and more frequent than you would like.

Brush your teeth at least twice a day (after breakfast and before going to bed).
Floss daily, between meals and snacks.
Remember that every time that you put something in your mouth it takes 20 minutes on average for the mouth to return to a neutralized state.
Drink water between meals.
Be aware that many bottled waters do not contain fluoride.  Most filtered tap waters do.
If you chew sugar-free gum (containing Xylitol) for 10 minutes after a meal, it will stimulate the saliva and enhance the cleaning of the mouth.
Visit your Dentist regularly for professional cleaning and exams.
Inquire with your Dentist regarding dental sealants, a protective plastic coating that can be applied to the chewing surface of the back teeth, where tooth decay most commonly begins.
 Information contained on this website is provided solely as an information source for patients and other interested parties.  It is intended to give such parties general information and is not designed to constitute professional advice. The conditions you experience and recommended treatments/courses of action may vary from patient to patient.  It should not supplant professional consultations with your Dentist.  Swedish-American Dental Concepts makes every effort to provide quality information but makes no claims, promises, guarantees or warranties about the accuracy, completeness, timeliness or adequacy of the information contained in or on this website or websites to which we link.  We reserve the right to change information on this website at any time and for any reason, without notification to our readers.
Copyright © 2004 Swedish-American Dental Concepts. Website Credits.